Nr. Nume Institutie Tara Sumar CV Poza
1 Prof. RADU Gabriel-Lucian Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti Romania ... RGLpoza.jpg
2 Prof. Emanuela Silvana Andreescu Clarkson University United States PhD 2002, Agrochemistry, University of Perpignan, France and Analytical chemistry, University of Bucharest, Romania, NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship award 2003, NSF-CAREER award 2010, 50 peer-reviewed publications, 3 patents, 10 book chapters, ~100 conference and seminar presentations. ... Silvana Andreescu_2010.jpg
3 Dr. Patricia Elena Rischitor The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Research Fellow at The University of Edinburgh UK, studying cell biology of filamentous fungi. Worked as postdoctoral research associate for the past six years, firstly at the Wellcome Trust for Cell Biology Edinburgh in cell biology of yeasts, and then with Medical Research Council UK in reproductive sciences. PhD in cell and molecular biology of fungi at Max-Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology Marburg, Germany (2004). MSc and BSc at Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania (1997, 1995). ... Patricia Rischitor photo.jpg
4 Dr. Grigore Rischitor The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Senior Research Associate at The University of Edinburgh, working in advanced methods for medical diagnostics. PhD (2005) in molecular biology at Institute for Molecular Biology and Cancer Research, Marburg, Germany. MSc and BSc in Biology at Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania (1995, 1996). ... Patricia Rischitor photo.jpg
5 Prof. Dr. Leonida Mihaela Fairleigh Dickinson University United States Ph.D. Bioorganic Chemistry, Wesleyan Univ., Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Univ. Politehnica., Postdoctoral fellow UConn Medical Center. 4 books, 58 papers, 70 presentations, 24 invited lectures. ... io.JPG
6 Prof. Achim Catalina Carnegie Mellon University Romania Catalina Achim este profesor de chimie anorganica la Universitatea Carnegie Mellon din SUA din 2001. Ea a obtinut doctoratul de la aceeasi Universitate si a facut studii postdoctorale la Universitatea Harvard din SUA. Cercetarea ei este in domeniul magnetismului molecular si a compusilor biomimetici bazati pe acizi nucleici si ioni ai metalelor tranzitionale. ...
7 Dr. Oancea Florin Institutul CD pentru Protectia Plantelor, ASAS, Bucuresti Romania Activitate CD pentru utilizarea de produse si procedee petnru managementul riscurilor de securitate alimentara si siguranta alimentului in timpul vegetatiei culturilor agricole. 32 brevete, 25 cereri brevet, Indice Hirsch 2, 12 produse si procedee transferate. ... foto FO.jpg
8 Dr. PAUN Gabriela Institutul National de C-D pentru Stiinte Biologice Romania ... Paun_Gabriela.jpg
9 Dr. Bucur Bogdan Institutul National CD pentru Stiinte Biologice Bucuresti Romania ...
10 Prof. Lanyi Szabolcs Universitatea Sapientia Romania ...
11 Dr. LITESCU SIMONA CARMEN National Institute for Biological Sciences, Bucharest Romania Senior Researcher on Centre of Bioanalysis, National Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest. Main research focus on development of new methods for analysis and characterisation of compounds and process, dealing especially with free radicals involved processes and antioxidants evaluation. ...
12 Prof. Popescu Ionel Catalin Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca Romania Domeniul major de interes il reprezinta electrochimia analitica centrata pe realizarea de senzori/biosenzori electrochimici. Cercetarile efectuate s-au concretizat in peste 150 le lucrari publicate in reviste nationale si internationale, in numeroase comunicari stiintifice (peste 180), o carte despre biosensori, precum si in peste 120 de contracte de cercetare aplicativa. ... pozaC.jpg
13 Dr. Vasilescu Alina Apotex Inc, Toronto, Canada Canada ...
14 Dr. Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta Institutul National C-D pentru Stiinte Biologice Romania ...
15 Drd. Diaconu Mirela Institutul National pentru Stiinte Biologice Romania ...
16 Dr. Liliana Sfichi-Duke USAMV Iasi & University of Kentucky Romania BSc - Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iasi; MSc - University of Crete, Greece; PhD - University of Crete, Greece; Postdoctoral fellow - University of Kentucky, USA; Project Director - USAMV Iasi ... DSCN1780.JPG
17 Dr. Margarit Mariana Biologics Consulting, USA United States University of Bucharest, Biochemistry; Stony Brook University PhD, The Rockefeller University Postdoctoral, Currently at Biologics Consulting, USA ... MM2.jpg
18 Prof. Draghici Sorin Wayne State University SUA Ph.D. - obtained from University of St Andrews, United Kingdom, 1995. Area of study: Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence. M.Sc. - obtained from "Politehnica" University Bucharest, Romania, 1989. Area of study: Software Engineering. B.Sc. - obtained from "Politehnica" University Bucharest, Romania, 1989. Area of study: Computer Engineering with a Major in Computer Science Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University. Director of the Intelligent Systems and Bioinformatics Laboratory. Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Core of Wayne State University. ...
19 Prof. Socaciu Carmen Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si medicina Veternara Cluj Romania Professional competences in Phytochemistry-Agrifood Biochemistry-Metabolomics. Coordinator of more than 30 EU and Romanian research projects (last 10 years), director of a CNCSIS Research center and Laboratory for Food Quality and Authenticity (AGRIAL). More than 250 publications, 42 in ISI journal,editor of "Food colorants" , CRC Press, 2008 and author of many book chapters. Hirch score: 9.Associated member of ASAS (Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry). Details in ... foto Carmen.jpg
20 Prof. VAN STADEN RALUCA-IOANA INCEMC Romania Prof Dr RALUCA-IOANA STEFAN-VAN STADEN is a Professor, Senior Researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB Bucharest, National Institute of Research for Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Romania. The author and co-author of more than 163 articles in journals especially in the fields of electrochemical sensors (ion-selective membrane electrodes, enantioselective, potentiometric membrane electrodes, biosensors, immunosensors, stochastic sensors), process technology and flow systems (flow and sequential injection analysis), of three book: “Quality and reliability in analytical chemistry” (CRC Press), “Electrochemical Sensors in Bioanalysis” (Marcel Dekker, Inc) and “Laboratory Auditing for Quality and Regulatory Compliance” (Taylor and Francis) as well as of numerous chapters in books most of them related to sensors technology, she serves on the Editorial Boards of Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Marcel Dekker, Inc.), Sensor Letters and ... RALUCA VAN STADEN.JPG
21 Prof. VAN STADEN Jacobus Frederick INCEMC Romania JACOBUS (KOOS) FREDERICK van STADEN is Full Professor and Senior Researcher at PATLAB and Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Bucharest of the National Institute of Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Romania. The author or co-author of more than 250 articles in journals, 17 books (of which the following are chapters in “Flow Injection Atomic Spectroscopy (Marcel Dekker, Inc., J.L Burguera, Ed.), “Chemiluminescence in Analytical Chemistry” (Marcel Dekker Inc., A.M. Garcia-Campana, and W.R.G. Baeyens, Eds.) and Encyclopedia of Chromatography (Marcel Dekker, Inc., J Cazes, Ed.), he has more than 300 presentations with a number of plenary and keynote lectures at conferences, symposiums, seminars and work-shops in North- and South America, West- and East Europe, Asia (China, Japan ) and Africa. He serves on the Editorial Board of Analytical Letters (Marcel Dekker, Inc.). He received a number of awards: the D F du Toit Malherbe-award (1980) for his research on Flow Injectio ... KOOS VAN STADEN.jpg
22 Conf.dr. Paun Andrei Institutul National de CD pentru Stiinte Biologice-Bucuresti Romania Am obtinut doctoratul in 2003 in Canada pe o tema de biocomputin, am predat apoi in SUA 5 ani pe o pozitie de tenure-track in bioinformatica, m-am reintors in Romania printr-un grant CNCSIS de reintoarcere a cercetatorilor. Am fost sef de proiect pentru grante derulate prin NSF, NIH si BoR-Louisiana in SUA si CNCSIS si CNMP-parteneriate in Romania. Indice Hirsh 8 si peste 30 de lucrari ISI publicate pana la aceasta data (cu o lucrare cu aproximativ 100 de citari in baza de date ISI). ...
23 Prof. Knoll Wolfgang AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austria 1991-1999 Head of Laboratory for Exotic Nano-Materials, Frontier Research Program, RIKEN-Institute, Japan; din 1992 Consulting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 1993-2008 Director, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz; din 1998 Professor (by Courtesy) Chemistry Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; din 1999 Adjunct Professor, Hanyang University, Korea; 1999-2003 Temasek Professor, National University of Singapore; din 2004, Visiting Principal Scientist, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore; din 2008 Scientific Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Viena. din 2009 Honorary Professor, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Viena ... Knoll_foto.jpg
24 Dr. Constantinescu Florica I.C.D.P.P. Romania ... photo F. Constantinescu.jpg
25 Dr. Peteu Serban National R&D Institute for Electrochem and Condensed Matter Romania Serban Peteu's Doctorate in Engineering-Biotechnology from the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute (BPI) was earned in 1991, while working full time at a start-up on BPI’s campus. As a Lead Engineer there, he created biomedical prototypes from invention to commercialization. While in Bucharest, he served as a UNESCO Romanian S&T expert, lectured Bioengineering at BPI and managed his own co-funded start-up Applitech. Dr. Peteu came to the United States (US) in 1992 as a winner of a Senior Fulbright Grant in biological sciences and was appointed as a Visiting Assistant Professor (adjunct) at the Michigan State University, Chemical Engineering department. Later he held postdoctoral and research scientist positions at the University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, Cleveland Clinic and State University. Later on, he became the Research Manager of Technova Corporation. More recently, he joined Bayer Healthcare as an R&D Advanced Systems Engineer, directing several technology innov ... PeteuSF.jpg
26 Dr. Boscaiu Voicu Centre of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics Romania BOSCAIU VOICU RADU Born 1950, Graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics Bucharest 1974, Ph.D. in Mathematics 1991, Senior researcher of "Gheorghe Mihoc –Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Romanian Academy (1978-2010). Associate professor of Bucharest University (1996-2004). Area of scientific interest: statistics and biostatistics, sampling theory, econometrics, data analysis. ... Boscaiu.jpg
27 Dr. Eremia Sandra A.V. Institutul National CD pentru Stiinte Biologice, Bucuresti Romania ...
28 Dr. Vladimir Todiraș Institutul de Protecție a Plantelor și Agricultură Ecologică Moldova, Republic of Vladimir. A. Todiraş Teza de Doctor habilitat susţinută în anul 2000. Şef de laborator: Modelare, analize ecologice și economice. Director adjunct, Institutul Protecţe a Pantelor și Agricultură Ecologică. Autorul sau co-autorul al 123 de publicări ştiinţifice şi mai mult de 30 prezentări ştiinţifice. Aspecte teoreticie şi practice ale activităţii: Direcţia principală de activitate este : Elaborarea şi implementarea sistemelor de prognoză şi avertizare a măsurilor împotriva bolilor şi dăunătorilor pentru protecţia integrată a plantelor. Pe parcursul anilor 1998-2009 a activat în calitate de expert național în modelarea impactului schimbărilor climatice asupra agriculturii în Republica Moldova. Aspectele teoretice şi practice ale activităţii sunt expuse in monografia: Todiraş V. Agricultura de precizie: Tehnologii geospaţiale şi informaţionale în managementul culturilor agricole. Chişinău, 2003. 185 p. ... IMG_1194.JPG
29 Dr. Moraru Carmen Cornell University United States Carmen Moraru este Associate Professor (Conferentiar) in cadrul Departamentului de Stiinta Alimentelor din cadrul Universitatii Cornell, SUA si are ca domenii de expertiza ingineria sigurantei alimentare, tratamente antimicrobiene, separari prin membrane, proprietati polimerice si reologice ale alimentelor, procesarea alimentelor. Doamna Carmen Moraru are publicate, pe langa altele, 30 lucrari de cercetare in reviste recenzate, 6 capitole carte, co-autor la 2 carti, si peste 100 de rezumate si scurte lucrari stiintifice publicate. Are si a avut in derulare 15 granturi de cercetare, a participat la altele 10 atat la universitatile Cornell si Rutgers. Este membru a catorva asociatii profesionale americane si romanesti. ...
30 Dr. BADEA - DONI Mihaela National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry & Petrochemistry - ICECHIM Romania ...
31 Acad. Anthony P.F. Turner Cranfield University United Kingdom Professor Turner's name is synonymous with the field of biosensors. Formerly Principal of Cranfield University at Silsoe, he is now the Distinguished Professor of Biotechnology at Cranfield University and Director, Cranfield Ventures Ltd, with responsibility for leveraging the University's IP via spin outs and licensing. He has just announced a new visiting appointment at Linköping University in Sweden, where he will be building a new research group in Biosensors & Bioelectronics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, has higher doctorates for his exceptional contribution to biosensors and his contribution to higher education, and is a Foreign Associate of the USA National Academy of Engineering. He led the team that pioneered the technology that now dominates the home blood glucose monitoring market and continues to work for and advise companies and governments worldwide in analytical biotechnology. He has served as an Expert Witness in patent litigations on three contine ... ProfTonyPFTiurner.jpg
32 Prof. Dr. Michael Thompson University of Toronto Canada Professor Michael Thompson obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Wales, UK and his PhD in analytical chemistry from McMaster University. Following a period as Science Research Council PDF at Swansea University he was appointed Lecturer in Instrumental Analysis at Loughborough University. He then moved to the University of Toronto where he is now Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry. He has held a number of distinguished research posts including the Leverhulme Fellowship at the University of Durham and the Science Foundation Ireland E.T.S Walton Research Fellowship at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork City. He is recognized internationally for his pioneering work over many years in the area of research into new biosensor technologies and the surface chemistry of biochemical and biological entities. He has made major contributions to the label-free detection of immunochemical and nucleic acid interactions and surface behavior of cells using ultra high frequency aco ... ProfMikeThompson.jpg
33 Dr. Mészáros Alexandru Fundatia Sapientia Universitatea Sapientia Romania ...
34 Dna. POPESCU MARIANA Institutul National Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie-ICECHIM Bucuresti Romania Senior researcher biochemist working and interested on modern ways for complete valorisation of renewable natural resources in value added products for nutrition and protection of cultivated plants, to a better quality of food and life; Master in natural and non invasive alternative therapies; Inventor with 4 patents about eco-friendly products with agricultural apllicability, three of them awarded at international fairs, over 27 R&D national projects, 55 works published or presented at national and international scientific events. ...
35 Dr. Butu Alina INCDSB Romania ...
36 Prof. Dr. VASILESCU ILIE PUIU University of Virginia at Wise Romania Diploma si doctoratul in Psihologie de la Universitatea din Bucuresti. Absolvent al Academiei de Stiinte Economice, Bucuresti. Bursier european la Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germania; bursier Fulbright la Virginia Tech, SUA. Studii post-doctorale la University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Actualmente Profesor de psihologie clinica la University of Virginia at Wise si membru fondator al Healthy Appalachia Institute, Virginia. Interese in metode de cercetare, analiza datelor, simulare computerizata; psihologie clinica, psihologia sanatatii, medicina comportamentala - comportamentul alimentar in particular; psihologie trans-culturala. ... i.P.VASILESCU 2010.jpg